for; Cor Anglais, Two horns in F, Marimba, Harp, Violas, Solo cello,Tutti c Contra Bass
The fourth movement is added on, and my ending is a happier and far more positive one. The mother appears on the scene searching for her child. She is in despair as she discovers her child frozen. People passing discover the mother with her child, but they are unable to help. It is too late. They gather around the mother and try to comfort her. The frantic pleas and prayers from the mother are heard and answered as the grand mother appears as a ghost. She brings the child back to life. People come out of their houses and see in amazement the wonderful things happening. The little girl awakens, and finds herself in the arms of her mother. Mother and child reunited dance together. The grandmother appears again one last time in the distance. People come out of their houses bringing food and presents, sharing everything with everyone. The little girl is the centre to all that is happening. There is plenty of presents and food, especially for the little girl. I have given this tragic tale a joyful and happy end. It need not end as in the original story.