Awakening world

Título alternativo
Flute concerto (flute piano version)
Sonja Grossner
Sonja Grossner
Clássico / Contemporâneo
Piano, Flauta
Composição para
Solo, Piano de Acompanhamento
Tipo de composição
Score for two performers, Parte de solo
1 para 3 de 3
Ano de composição

This composition is a musical painting. I have called this composition, 'Awakening World'
because I wanted to paint a musical picture of life in today's world; a world where people are so
busy that there is little time for thoughts about the future.
The first movement, expresses life in a city. It is evening and walking along you come past a
night club. There life has just begun. The music drifting through the closed door gives an
unconcerned atmosphere of a happy go lucky nature. A short while later, over there is a lonely
basking musician, playing his instrument and hoping for some cash to survive. A little later a little
bird is fluttering around searching for its companions who flew away leaving it on its own. Our
walk continues through the city back home.
The second movement, dreaming in bed and thinking about the events of the day is of a slightly
more concerned nature. That little bird, hope it found its companions and that basking musician,
he seemed homeless. Has he found somewhere to stay the night?
This movement ends with the flute conversing with a solo cello.
The third movement, awakening next morning by a thunderstorm outside, thoughts of what can
one do to help and change this sleepy uncaring world, how come there are people homeless and in
need. The excitement in this movement expresses emotions and feelings of the wish that we could
all live together in peace and harmony.
The flute, as the solo instrument seemed appropriate for this idea, as it's a delicate instrument, yet
can be powerful. The movement ends with a peaceful positive note, although short.

data de postagem: 03 mar 2014


25.00 USD

10.00 USD
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